Frequently Asked Questions
What are the eligibility requirements for receiving a wig?
To receive a wig, you must be 18 to 30 years old, experiencing hair loss from cancer treatment, and currently residing in Colorado. A letter for a cranial prosthesis completed by your oncologist, primary care physician, or nurse is REQUIRED to be sent to If you are unsure of your eligibility, please send us an email explaining your situation.
What if I don’t see a wig I love in the catalog?
If you don’t find a wig you adore, email us at and let us know what you are looking for, and we will try to find a style of synthetic wig you love. However, keep in mind that it is also possible to modify the wigs below to suit your needs. For example, it is extremely simple to straighten a curly or wavy wig or give it a haircut so that it is your preferred length. More information about how to modify a wig to your liking can be found here.
What else is included with my free wig?
Meliora will provide a wig stand, velvet wig grip, detangling comb, styling clips, headband, beanie, sleep cap, and satin head wrap.
How long will it take for my wig and accessories to arrive?
We aim to deliver your wig, supplies, and accessories to you in 1-2 weeks.
What kind of wigs do you offer?
The wigs we offer are heat-resistant synthetic wigs from LittleWigMuseum on Etsy.