Why you should donate blood.

According to the American Red Cross, cancer patients use ¼ of the nation's blood supply–more than patients with any other disease. Chemotherapy and radiation drugs damage bone marrow and cause low blood counts in patients. Low counts promote higher risks of infection, fatigue, anemia, and bleeding, creating further discomfort and longer hospital stays. To prevent this, they often receive blood or platelets through transfusions. Many cancer patients also undergo major surgeries, in which case blood products continue to be a necessity. With an ongoing nationwide blood shortage, it is more important than ever to donate. An hour of your time could make a difference in the well-being of multiple cancer patients. 

Donating blood can also benefit the donor. A study from the Journal of Epidemiology states that donating blood can improve cardiovascular health. Additionally, it is estimated that one donation of blood burns 650 calories. But, although there’s a personal benefit to donating blood, the satisfaction of saving lives is the most fulfilling. Currently, only 3% of Americans donate blood. The potential to increase this number and help others in need rests in your hands.

Find a Place to Donate Blood Near You:

American Red Cross

Children's Hospital Colorado



Supporting a friend with cancer.